COVID Conversation With Michael Tanzer

Michael Tanzer is a portfolio manager at a hedge fund called Callaway Capital and author of a newsletter I read each week call Stuff to Read Over The Weekend (STROTW). Michael asked me if we could hop on a call and talk about COVID and I thought I might try just putting this out as a podcast as an experiment. I might do more of these with various people as I struggle to make sense of this crisis, partly to get my own mind off the concerns I have for myself and my family. Let me know what you think!

We cover a lot of my own current thinking about how insurance responds to this crisis and also models for economic and market disruption and how COVID-19 fits into all this. Is it an insurance-style crisis hitting the border economy?

In the conversation we talk briefly about a book that sounds pretty interesting called Diary of a Very Bad Year. It’s a book of the real time experience of the economic crisis by a crisis feels. I shall check it out!

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