Extreme Couponing

Ever seen this show?

It’s amazing how much money you can save if you 30 hours a week figuring out what corporations are trying to liquidate.  Vitamin water, candy, household toiletries, cans of tuna and dog food… delish.

Do companies view this as an expense? Is there a marginal cost to food that needs to be replaced by incoming inventory? Just-in-time, baby.

This didn’t exist in the Great Depression: one reason why our society is immensely less vulnerable than it has ever been. You can buy $1,500 of groceries for $5 just by clipping coupons? Great Stagnation my ass. That’s not captured by median income measures.

Another fascinating comparison popped up when they showed a couponer living in a New York suburb.  It sounded like much harder work than those living in Ohio, Arizona or Idaho: lower ceilings, lower total coupon limits, more deposits and taxes.

Why is it so easy to live in these smaller communities?

Another trick: everyone has gigantic pantries with “one year’s supply” of just about every piece of crap food you can imagine. Apparently things only tend to go on sale once every six months. Gotta stock up.

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