Watch People Pitch

At the Startup Channel. Very cool idea:

Eighty percent of our content will be three-minute elevator pitches for new companies. We have a database of more than 6,000 current business plans (the largest such database in existence) with full financials to draw from and hope to produce at least 2,000 pitches per year. The rest of the content will be contextual: it will inform, explain, educate, and entertain an audience eager to know more about startups and startup culture.

At the heart of The Startup Channel, however, are the pitches, because in addition to being an ad-supported media enterprise, the channel will be what’s essentially the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) for potential startup investments. The JOBS Act, passed last year, allows advertising and solicitation of crowd funding and private placements and someone has to provide a forum for that advertising, which is what we will do. So you can watch the pitch, drill down to the business plan, analyze the financials (we have tools), look for comps, then make your decision. What we don’t do is actually participate in the deal, which would put us under the thumbs of the SEC and FINRA.


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